Not All DUI Convictions Are Created Equal — Here Are Six Things That Could Affect Your Penalties
A DUI conviction is a pretty serious charge; even if you have a great DUI defense attorney who can lower your punishments to what you …
We provide you with tips and resources to help you better understand the law.
A DUI conviction is a pretty serious charge; even if you have a great DUI defense attorney who can lower your punishments to what you …
California may seem like one of the most relaxed states in the country, particularly because Hollywood makes it seem like everyone is always at the …
If you think you’ve been a victim of medical malpractice and you find yourself asking, “do I need a personal injury lawyer?” the answer is …
Getting injured on the job can be devastating experience, especially if you’re unsure of what steps to take in order to protect your rights. In …
So what exactly is a hit and run ticket? You’ve probably heard about cases involving a hit and run offense, usually when the driver responsible …
Some traffic violations, like many small misdemeanor traffic offenses, are pretty easy to get out of. If you can’t convince the police officer who pulled …
Getting ticketed while you’re driving is probably the least fun thing that can happen. It’s also something that can have some really serious long-term effects …
Getting pulled over while you’re driving is probably one of the worst things ever — up there on the list with dentist appointments and filing …
It is, unfortunately, the nature of a bicycle’s structure that causes so many bicycling injuries to take place. However, many of those injuries aren’t related …
Semi truck accidents are highly dangerous. Unfortunately , the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration reports that even though there are an average of 11 accidents …