January 23, 2025

3 Most Common Types of Motorcycle Accidents

accident attorney

UPDATED 1/26/21

Any car accident lawyer will tell you that riding a motorcycle is very risky. In 2013, a motorcyclist was about 26 times more likely than passenger car occupants to die in a crash per mile and five times more likely to get injured. And yet, risks like these don’t stop most people from riding their bikes anyway.

Since it doesn’t look like motorcycles are going to get off the road anytime in the near future, it’s important that both motorists and motorcyclists keep a careful eye on the road and each other. And, whenever possible, make sure to avoid the situations that most commonly lead to motorcycle accidents.

1. Left Turn Accidents
Many cars take risks when it comes to making a left turn before the light changes. There is a good chance that they either won’t register the presence of a motorcycle coming from the opposite direction or will underestimate how fast the motorcycle is coming. Both situations can easily result in a collision. It’s important to always take precautions when making left turns — wherever you have to go can wait, and rash decisions might lead to auto or motorcycle accidents.

2. Car Lane Changing Accident
Believe it or not, but many, many drivers never bother to check their blind spots at all when changing lanes. And most drivers also aren’t in the habit of scanning their mirrors and lines of sight for objects that are smaller than their cars. When a car changes lanes, they can push motorcycles right off the road and cause serious injuries. Always be wary of cars changing lanes and slow down to let them go in front of you if need be.

3. Fender Bender
It happens all the time: one car behind another doesn’t see a yellow or red light in time, or the car in front of them stops short for some reason. Usually, it results in a lot of back and forth for insurance companies, but fender benders for cyclists can easily turn deadly.

Taking to the road is enjoyable but it has lots of dangers. Motorcycles have various safety tools for riders. They are designed to avoid collisions with clear views while on the roads, powerful braking systems, and tires that grips effectively. However, these features do not always stop accidents from happening.

Studies show that 1 in 860 motorcyclists traveling 15 miles every day for a year die. The following are some additional types of motorcycle accidents.

Head-On Collision

The majority of head-on collisions involve motorcycles and vehicles. Cars strike motorcycles from the front. Up to 56% of motorcyclists who have accidents of this kind do not survive.

Lane Splitting

Some motorcycle accidents occur in split lanes, or between two lanes with vehicles moving slowly or stopping. Such accidents occur due to various factors including the narrow distance between cars that make it difficult for motorcyclists to maneuver and the motorcycle’s closeness to moving vehicles increases the chances of an accident.

In an accident occurring while a motorcyclist is lane splitting, the fault depends on whether the state permits lane splitting. The police officer and judge may take action on both parties. They might be required to seek assistance from an accident attorney to defend them.

Road Hazards

Accidents by road hazards are high. They occur as a result of riders traveling on slick pavements and moving from one lane to another with uneven heights. Moreover, they hit potholes, and collide with unanticipated objects in the roadway.

Knowing the causes can really help to prevent an accident, but they do happen. In these cases it is important for a motorcyclist to contact an auto accident attorneys who specialize in personal injury cases and can help figure out how to get proper restitution for the wronged party. The first step, however, is to drive safe.

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