March 12, 2025

Do You Know How To Handle A Boating Accident? These Steps Can Help (Part 2)

In the last post, we discussed some basic yet critical steps all boat owners should take after being involved in a recreational boating accident. But there are a few more steps that are essential to completing the process and getting the compensation you may deserve. Here’s part two of our boat owner’s guide to navigating the legal steps after an accident.

Contact Your Insurance Company
When it comes to contacting your insurance claim lawyer as well as the company itself, each state has different rules and regulations regarding whether or not boating insurance is provided. If you are lucky, any other boaters involved in the crash have boating insurance.

“In some areas, insurance is required for boat owners just as with cars, but not every jurisdiction has this requirement. When possible, find out whether the boat owner has any insurance as this may fund any settlement or judgment you obtain against the boat owner. Also, if someone other than the boat’s owner was piloting the vessel, they may also be liable, and if they have insurance of their own, it may also contribute to your settlement or judgment,” writes Legal Resources.

Seek a Florida Lawyer
Finally, it’s time to find seek out one of the many attorneys at law Gainesville has to offer. It’s ideal to choose one with experience working with boat owners on boat accident cases. Taking the time to find the right attorney can skyrocket your chances of success and minimize the frustration for all parties involved. Recreational boating accidents can be incredibly complex, and without the right attorney, you could end up losing out on valuable financial and property-based assets.

Keep in mind that boating laws vary from state to state, and occasionally throughout regions of each state. According to the U.S. Department of Justice, the most common personal injury cases include: motor vehicle accidents (52%), medical malpractice (15%), and product liability (5%). While boating accident cases are rarer, coastal states should have a number of lawyers experienced in these types of cases.

Understanding your rights as a boat owner and knowing how to navigate through an accident with one of the experienced attorneys at law Gainesville has to provide is the key to getting your vessel back on the water as soon as possible and enjoying the open waters once again. For more information about finding a boat accident attorney here in Florida, contact Allen Law Firm.

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