Going through some kind of civil legal process can be very costly, especially when you have to hire an expensive attorney. The good news is that if someone has a simple procedure that requires legal documents they can now use Legal Zoon. Legal Zoom is a website where you can go and download the legal papers you need. Many people use Legal Zoon for do it yourself divorces. Legal notices can also be prepared by Legal Zoon. There are also many different law articles on this website that you can read for information on legal notices and such. This is also the best source for a legal dictionary online that you can use for free.
People who use Legal Zoom can save as much as 85 percent of what they would have to pay a local attorney for their legal services. If you need to talk to someone in person you can also call and talk to someone in person. One of the good things about the Legal Zoom website is that it keeps up with the changes in the law too so you can count on all the legal information on that site being kept up to date.
Legal Zoom also gives free reviews on documents by document specialists. People can get wills and living trusts done for about $200. If you go to an attorney, it can cost about $1,000 or more to do a simple will or living trust. Get free legal advice by top notch attorneys by going to the Legal Zoom website today. They are a legal document creation website that provides documents for divorce, business formations, name changes, patents, power of attorney and more. People can also get help with estate planning, real estate leases and trademarks.
Millions of people are using the Legal Zoon website. It is especially helpful for someone who is getting a divorce. You can even get a free Separation Agreement on this website if you do not want to get a divorce yet, but you do want a legal separation. Getting a divorce on Legal Zoom is a simple 3 step process. A divorce package costs about $300. Find out more by going to this website for more information on legal documentation and forms.