February 5, 2025

Why Hiring An Attorney With Longshore And Harbor Workers Compensation Experience Is Smart

Longshore harbor workers compensation act

Do you work on a boat or at sea and were you recently injured while going about your work? If so, consult with an attorney on the Longshore and harbor workers compensation act. If your injuries were at all severe or if you presently are prevented from going to work due to the pain you feel from your injuries, your employer could be at fault and you could receive damages to compensate you both financially and emotionally. Never let your employer try and roll over you if you got hurt at work and the injury was caused by something that your employer could have prevented.

In calling on a DBA attorney with past cases involving the Longshore and Harbor Workers Compensation laws that exist, your compensation can be much higher and your chances of actually winning your case can rise too. Going up against your employer solo could be disastrous for you, particularly if your job will be at stake. The Longshore and Harbor Workers Compensation laws do apply to you if your job involves you working at sea, so filing maritime claims can earn you the compensation you rightfully deserve.

A Defense Base Act attorney is the perfect person to call, since Defense base act attorneys know the act inside out and probably have worked on cases like this before. Simply find one who works near where you work or live and set up a meeting. Before long, you will have sufficient representation and a plan to be compensated.
Read more about this topic on this page.

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