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What All Lawyers Want Their Clients to Know, Literally - Legal Terms Dictionary
October 22, 2024

What All Lawyers Want Their Clients to Know, Literally

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Laws, rules, and regulations are put in place in order to maintain order, justice, and perhaps most importantly, peace. And while the governments and societal institutions that work to maintain these lessons do their best to uphold the law, law professionals such as attorneys, lawyers, judges, and others work to accurately interpret them. While law may seem fairly black and white, there is often plenty of gray area left to interpretation. This is where lawyers come in and why their so important!

At some point in time most, if not all, people will need to consult with a lawyer. This could be for business or financial reasons such as filing bankruptcy, in which case it would be necessary to consult with bankruptcy lawyers. Similarly, those looking to explore their legal options and rights following a car collision may choose to consult with accident claims lawyers.

Regardless of what kind of lawyer a client seeks, there are several things clients can do to both expedite the process of finding a lawyer and working with one. Here are a few things lawyers wish their current and potential clients knew.

Proper preparation

Before an initial consultation and especially afterwards, it’s important for clients to help their attorneys prepare by being prepared themselves. This includes have any necessary paperwork pertinent to the legal matter at hand organized and ready. Many legal matters are extremely time sensitive, and as such have strict deadlines. Clients can help their attorneys better represent them by staying organized.

Be completely honest

Although clients may tempted to conceal sensitive or possible incriminating testimony or evidence from their attorney, doing so can seriously complicate matters down the road. A lawyer cannot fully and effectively represent a client that has not been completely transparent about their affairs. As uncomfortable as this might be, it is a necessary and integral part of the process.

Attorneys are not mental health professionals

Although legal professionals are incredibly compassionate and dedicated people, they are not mental health professionals. Going through any legal process can emotionally difficult and this is especially true when it comes family law and divorce proceedings. Seeking mental health support during these difficult times is not only important but it can be extremely helpful. Although clients may tempted to unload all of their frustrations, concerns, and troubles onto their attorney, seeking therapy can provide further peace and clarity.

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