September 12, 2024

The Top Three Places Where You Can Seek Help for Your Bankruptcy

Having access to bankruptcy court means that you can use a local bankruptcy attorney to help you declare bankruptcy should the need arise. You might be surprised by how many active bankruptcies there are out there, and you might need to add yourself to that list. Now, there are advantages and disadvantages of filing bankruptcy, and you need to think all of this through before making a firm commitment one way or the other, but you should give yourself the option to declare bankruptcy if you feel that this is the right move to make.

All types of bankruptcies come with the risk that you will harm your credit score. This is practically guaranteed to happen when you file for bankruptcy, but that doesn’t mean it is the wrong thing to do. On the contrary, many people say that it finally gives them the breathing room that they need to make wiser financial decisions going forward. If that sounds like where you want to be in life, then you need to put yourself in a spot where you can get your bankruptcy filed away in court as soon as possible. You will regret not acting sooner if you sit on this one.

What is chapter 7 bankruptcy

So you’ve decided that your best option for starting a fresh page on your financial record is to file bankruptcy. Now what?

Before you do anything, it’s a good idea to do plenty of research on the type of bankruptcy you plan to file, as each one has its own nuances and unique characteristics that are important to know.

Being uncertain about the complex, intricate system of bankruptcy law is extremely normal. To make sure you have the best help with filing bankruptcy available, here is a quick list of three great places that offer bankruptcy help and advice to people just like you:

A financial adviser

If you have a financial adviser who you pay to file your taxes each year, this person may be able to offer bankruptcy help and advice. You should typically only consult a financial adviser before filing for bankruptcy, as he or she can give valuable insight into whether or not a bankruptcy is the only option you have to get out of debt.

A nonprofit credit counseling agency

Another great place that offers bankruptcy help is any of the nonprofit credit counseling organizations registered with the Consumer Credit Counseling Agencies or the National Foundation for Credit Counseling. These organizations are designed to inform individuals about all the ins and outs of their upcoming bankruptcy, and are extremely helpful and there to help you. And in most cases, you’ll be required to attend a credit counseling session anyway before you can be considered eligible for filing bankruptcy.

Your Chapter 7, Chapter 11 or Chapter 13 bankruptcy attorney

Perhaps the best source of help filing bankruptcy is a qualified attorney who specializes in bankruptcy cases. Bankruptcy attorneys are used to helping their clients file the correct paperwork for a successful bankruptcy that won’t get tossed out of court due to a small error. Best of all, they’re with you every step of the way to offer advice and guidance, removing any uncertainties about your bankruptcy process. Not sure if you can afford a bankruptcy attorney? You may be able to qualify for a pro bono attorney based on your level of financial need.

Know of any other good places where people can find help with their Chapter 13, Chapter 11 or Chapter 7 bankruptcy? Feel free to share in the comments section below this article. Visit here for more information.

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