February 7, 2025

Reducing the Risk of Injury in a Motorcycle Crash

Los angeles bicycle accident attorneys

Riding a motorcycle is both fun and fuel-efficient, but it can also be extremely dangerous. According to the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety, motorcyclists are 30 times more likely to die in a crash than drivers or passengers of cars. Simply driving more safely may not help, as the University of South Florida’s Center for Urban Transportation Research recently found that in 60% of car and bike accidents, the driver of the car was at fault. While motorcycle accidents may not be completely avoidable, there are many steps that bikers can take to increase safety during a ride.

The first thing any motorcyclist should do before they even think about getting on a bike is to make sure they are wearing the proper equipment. Riders wearing open-toed shoes, shorts, and t-shirts are all asking for painful road rash if they should be involved in an accident. Boots with ankle support, long pants, jackets, and gloves are all highly recommended. Leather and other non-abrasive materials offer the best protection for a rider’s skin.

According to leading motorcycle accident attorneys, a common cause of motorcycle accidents is low visibility, so choose your gear in bright, reflective colors. Eye protection in the form of goggles or a helmet visor will make the ride much more pleasant. To avoid brain injury accidents, a Department of Transportation approved helmet should be worn for every ride, no matter how short.

Regular maintenance of the motorcycle is another great way to prevent accidents. Mechanics recommend checking tire inflation and brakes before every ride. Lights, horn, chain, and turn signals are also important things to double check. Having a mechanical failure in the middle of a ride can be dangerous and inconvenient. Refrain from riding in inclement weather, as lowered visibility and slick roads can cause major problems

Motorcycle accident attorneys recommend learning what to do after a bike accident so that you are prepared in case the worst should happen. If you are in an accident, do not remove your helmet until you have received medical attention. Doing so can do more damage to your back and neck. If you are able to, take photos of the scene and exchange information with any other drivers involved. Remain calm, and contact your insurance company and a qualified motorcycle accident attorney.

Staying safe on a motorcycle is simply a matter of staying visible, riding defensively, and being prepared for any situation. By following these tips, you can be confident in having a long and happy relationship with your motorcycle. For more information see this.

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