February 7, 2025

Have You or a Loved One Recently Been Injured in an Accident Caused by Someone Else?

No time is a convenient time for a vehicle accident, but the fact that your daughter’s car wreck happened 36 hours after you travelled back home after her college Homecoming was especially inconvenient. In fact, when you 19 year old daughter called to say that she had been in an accident you had just finished putting away the last of the laundry after returning home late last night. The most important news about the car wreck, of course, is that your daughter will be all right. Her car is totaled, but the doctors say that although they want to keep her overnight she will be released in the morning. The other driver, the one who caused the accident because she was texting on the phone, is fine as well. Her car can be repaired.

Your daughter insists that she can handle what is going on, but in an attempt to make sure that she has the available resources, your husband is flying back down to see her and has contacted a car accident lawyer. He hopes that by acting proactively he can avoid any long legal battles with the other driver’s insurance.
Car Accident Attorneys Can Serve as Valuable Resources When After a Crash

Unfortunately, the National Safety Council estimated automotive fatalities topped 40,000 for the second consecutive year in 2017. Every one of these accidents can leave a long list of personal and property damages that are both expensive and complicated. Simply sorting out the insurance coverage can be a nightmare. Part of these accidents are because the U.S. is one of the busiest countries in terms of road traffic with about 218 million drivers holding a valid driving license. Many of these accidents, however, are also caused by drivers who are increasingly distracted.

From cell phones to fast food, there are any number of ways that drivers can allow something to take their attention off the road. In fact, the latest research indicates that the three most common causes of car accidents in the U.S. are: distracted driving, drunk driving, and speeding. If you have been the victim of someone else’s carelessness, it is often important to get the legal help that you may need sooner rather than later.

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