February 8, 2025

Facebook is Ending Marriages

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Facebook costs users job interviews, and — in extreme cases — may even motivate employers to fire current employees. Jobs and careers, however, are not the only things at stake. A new survey reveals that Facebook may cause divorce. “A third of all divorce filings in 2011 contained the word ‘Facebook,'” ABC News reports. Why is social media to blame?

More Users Logging Onto Facebook to Cheat

NBC reveals that Facebook is giving unfaithful husbands and wives another outlet. “Facebooking is great for those who are never, ever, under any circumstances, going to cheat on their partner. It’s also great for cheaters who are going to cheat either way—Facebook just makes it easier,” says client of psychotherapist Elizabeth LaMotte. Others may use Facebook to lash out and end the relationship Ilana Gershon, author of The Breakup 2.0: Disconnecting Over New Media, says. “One of the things I found was that people would sometimes turn to these media as a way to finally end the relationship. They would use a medium that was so unacceptable that it would make the other partner furious.”

Facebook may also inspire jealousy. Thanks to the social media site, more people are reconnecting with exes and past flames. Spouses may also spend longer periods of time talking to coworkers and friends of the opposite sex. This increased conversation may be especially problematic for partners prone to jealousy.

Facebook Worms Its Way Into Divorce Proceedings

Facebook isn’t just causing divorce, it’s showing up in court, too. “More than 80 percent of U.S. divorce attorneys say social networking in divorce proceedings is on the rise,” ABC News reveals. Family divorce lawyers are seeing a vast number of Facebook messages, posts, and statuses. Family law specialists and family law divorce experts recommend keeping all disagreements off of Facebook. Keep in mind that, among your friends, there may be people willing to share angry or inappropriate messages in court.

More people are setting out to find a family lawyer and get a divorce, thanks to Facebook. Carefully consider your actions on Facebook before and during divorce; never assume a spiteful message won’t come back to haunt you. References: www.gillaw.com

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