No matter where you are traveling or what you are buying, it is important to make sure that you are working with a reliable source. For instance, when you work with a well known company like Timeshares to Go you can rest assured that you will be getting what you pay for. In fact, whether you want to buy or sell a new time share, it is always important to take you time, look over the contract in full, and never let yourself be pressured into making a decision about anything that you are not comfortable with.
From understanding the details of a timeshare without maintenance fees to knowing how to sell a timeshare on your own, there are many complications in this industry. In fact, finding legal advice on any property that you are considering buying or selling, it is important if you want to make sure that you are making a wise investment.
If you find yourself in the middle of a timeshare contract that is not working, there is sometimes a chance to get out. And while many timeshare contracts are iron clad, there are some that provide a loop hole that allows people to find an affordable, and sometimes profitable, way out.
Consider some of these facts and figures about the timeshare industry and the impact that it has on the nation’s economy:
- Only 3% of households in the U.S. own a timeshare.
- 46.8 years old is the average age of timeshare owners in the U.S.
- 37% of families indicate that vacations make them happy. This makes a vacation the activity that makes families most happy, and some families find that a timeshare purchase allows them to afford more time away.
- Citing money, fear, confusion, intimidation, and distrust as their main reasons, 85% of timeshare buyers indicate that they regret their purchase.
- $20,040 is the average price of a new timeshare purchase.
- Who should I call after a car accident? 911? My insurance company? An attorney?
By working with a reputable resource like Timeshares to Go you are more likely to find a buying and or selling option that is good for you.