Domestic violence charges typically arise from a person inflicting abuse on a person close to them, like a spouse or family member. Someone who is charged with domestic violence could face jail time, license revocation, and loss of child custody. Domestic violence abuse can take many forms. Here are three of the most common forms and the basics of getting an order of protection.
1. Physical
This is one of the best known forms of what is considered domestic violence. Physical harm like hitting, scratching, and choking all constitute physical domestic violence. Other behaviors like withholding medications, forcing a person to injure himself or herself, forcing a person to use drugs, and using weapons on a person also fall into this category.
2. Emotional
Another form of domestic violence is emotional abuse, which affects a person’s mental health. This might be insulting someone, name-calling, blaming, keeping a person from contacting his or her family and friends, stalking, causing fear, and shaming or blaming.
3. Financial
This might be the least known form of domestic violence, since it does not directly affect a person’s physical well-being. Financial abuse might mean using a person’s financial resources or information without his or her knowledge or permission, causing a person to lose his or her job, or withholding transportation that a person needs to get to his or her job.
Getting a Restraining Order
There are two main types of restraining orders, which are usually involved in resolving a domestic violence case. The first one is temporary, and the second (which is required to go through the court process) is a permanent one. These usually dictate that the offender cannot contact the victim in any way — physically, through stalking, or through means of technology (like phone calls, emails, and social media).
Do you have any questions about domestic violence or laws on restraining orders? Feel free to ask us in the comments. Good references.