If you’re employed in Ohio, no matter the industry you’re working in, you should know when to contact a disability insurance attorney. Workers compensation laws can be extremely complicated for many people, and can lead to some serious problems if you try and handle your disability and workers comp yourself. Rather than attempt to take on your employer yourself, consult with an experienced disability insurance attorney and get the restitution you deserve.
Especially if you’re working in the construction filed, you should both be extremely careful and have a trusted Cincinnati disability attorney you can contact in the event of an accident. According to a Ohio Safety and Health Administration study, of the 4,585 workplace fatalities in 2013, 20.2% were due to construction related accidents.
According to WorkersCompensation.com, Ohio employers recently received $895,000 in grants to ensure workplace safety and avoid fatal accidents and major injuries.
“Safety grants not only help protect Ohio workers from injuries and illnesses, many employers report lower workers’ comp costs and improved productivity,” said Sarah Morrison, Administrator and CEO of Ohio Bureau of Workers Compensation (BWC). “I’m pleased so many Ohio employers recognize that a focus on safety now can prevent injuries and save money in the future.”
In addition to the workers safety grants provided to employers, state employers are earning extra cash and praise for implementing creative safety solutions.
The BWC presented individual awards up to $6,000 to five Ohio employers on March 9, 2017. The awards were given to employers who developed and implemented creative solutions in order to reduce workplace injuries.
“Sometimes a solution to a safety hazard isn’t readily apparent, and it takes extra effort and ingenuity to address a company’s unique needs and challenges,” Morrison added. “That’s just what each of these employers did, and we applaud them for going above and beyond to protect their workers and improve productivity.”
Although it’s great when employers take the innovative to improve workplace conditions and prevent injuries, accidents still happen and workers comp attorneys can help. Whether you need short or long term disability attorney assistance, working with a disability insurance attorney is essential to getting through a difficult time after sustaining an injury. Contact the Harris Firm if you’re in need of professional assistance today.